The Simpsons - Season 23, Episode 1 The Falcon and the D'Ohman

Follow This The Simpsons - Season 23, Episode 1 The Falcon and the D'Ohman on you favorite Time and host Network station 12:00am - 12:30am on FOX @ the schedule of September 25 Sunday. searching and watching some latest episode show was awesome and cool habits specially when you start reading some of their summary,

Just relax and sit on you chair and Watch this cool episode is such a good time habit and you can find more show here. This is only the Whole summary of this show and the current is below check out for only the summary is the total over view on the show.

Check this Synopsis:
Homer befriends Wayne, a reserved security guard recently hired by the nuclear power plant. Plagued by violent flashbacks from his past as a CIA agent, he must overcome his tortured nightmares to save Homer from a Ukranian terrorist.

The Simpsons - Season 23, Episode 1 The Falcon and the D'Ohman

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