Angels Among Us Season 1 Episode 1 - Pilot

Follow This Angels Among Us Season 1 Episode 1 - Pilot on you favorite host Network station now for it will air on their perspective schedule and watch it now. searching and watching some latest episode show was awesome and cool habits specially when you start reading some of their summary, S you must first to read it and The story of this Episode was : Angels Among Us" commemorates the 10 year anniversary of 9/11 with a very special episode. Genelle Guzman is on the 13th floor of World Trade Tower One when it collapses on top of her. Miraculously, she survives, but is trapped under the rubble for over 24 hours. With hope of rescue fading, an angel takes her hand and assures her that help is on the way. In Tower Two, Ron DiFrancesco escapes death when the second plane hits his floor, This is only the Whole summary of this show and the current is below check out.

This Show is now Aired:
September 15
Thursdays at 9:00 pm

Check this Synopsis:
Soon discovers all escape routes have been cut off by a raging inferno. On the edge of despair, he hears an otherworldly voice urging him to run into the fire. And at the Pentagon, American Airlines flight 77 slams into the building 100 feet from John Yates. Despite massive injuries, he is guided towards safety. by an angel.

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